
Salary dates and Pension dates for 2025 Released

Salary dates and Pension dates for 2025 Released

The Sri Lankan government has officially announced the salary advance Dates, salary dates, and pension dates for the year 2025. The dates are structured to ensure timely disbursement for government servants, teachers, armed forces personnel, and pensioners. Below is a detailed breakdown of the payment dates:

MonthSalary Advance (Govt. Servants)Salary (Govt. Servants)Salary (Armed Forces)Salary (Teachers)Pension Payments
January10th (Friday)24th (Wednesday)22nd (Monday)20th (Saturday)19th (Friday)
February10th (Monday)25th (Tuesday)21st (Friday)19th (Wednesday)19th (Monday)
March10th (Monday)25th (Tuesday)21st (Friday)19th (Wednesday)10th (Monday)
April10th (Thursday)23rd (Wednesday)21st (Monday)10th (Thursday)10th (Wednesday)
May9th (Friday)23rd (Friday)21st (Wednesday)21st (Wednesday)9th (Friday)
June10th (Monday)25th (Wednesday)23rd (Monday)23rd (Monday)20th (Friday)
July10th (Wednesday)25th (Friday)23rd (Tuesday)21st (Monday)21st (Monday)
August7th (Thursday)22nd (Friday)21st (Thursday)19th (Tuesday)21st (Wednesday)
September10th (Wednesday)23rd (Thursday)21st (Tuesday)21st (Tuesday)10th (Tuesday)
October10th (Thursday)24th (Friday)23rd (Wednesday)23rd (Wednesday)17th (Thursday)
November10th (Monday)25th (Tuesday)21st (Friday)21st (Friday)10th (Monday)
December10th (Wednesday)23rd (Tuesday)19th (Friday)21st (Sunday)10th (Wednesday)

Key Highlights:

  • Government Servants: Salary advances will generally be released by the 10th of each month, while salaries are paid by the 25th (except for April and December).
  • Teachers: Payment dates are often scheduled before or on the same day as other government sectors, ensuring financial stability.
  • Pensions: Pension disbursement is structured primarily around mid-month to cater to retired employees.
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